Monday, June 14, 2010


By: Emily
Her name is Sammy,
We go together,
Like peanut butter and jammy.
We’re best friends forever.

She makes me smile,
Even when I’m down.
If I’m around her for awhile,
I never wear a frown.

I know she loves me,
‘Cause she tells me all the time.
Our friendship is as strong as it can be,
It’s worth way more than a dime.

She’s my best friend,
She’s my sister.
We’ll be together till the end,
Nobody can stop us, that means u mister!


By: Emily
When it rains,
People go inside.
But my friends and I,
Go outside.

We dance,
Like there’s no tomorrow.
We sing,
Like there’s no end.

Most of the time,
We laugh,
Like we don’t,
Have to breathe.

So next time it rains,
Don’t wait for the storm to pass.
Don’t worry about mud stains,
Learn to dance in the rain.

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Momma

My Momma
By: Sammy
In this house, including me,
There is a population of daughters,
the total is three.
To the Greedy, the eldest,
To the Princess, the youngest,
And to me, the middle,
She cares for us so
And to us all, is a trait that upon us she bestows,
To the greedy, it is the temperance of a dragon,
As if she or my mom could breath fire.
To the Princess, it is hard headedness,
they both are as stubborn as a mule.
And to me it’s the capability to laugh at others expense.
Well I guess that’s our mom for you.

I'm Not Eating That

I’m not going to eat that
By: Sammy
Knowing that the putrid, intoxicating aroma of that disgusting so called “food”
I wander in to the kitchen,
Having to hold my breath
For the stench is hanging in the air like the that of death
Ha ha...I’m not going to eat that
Under our faux mahogany cabinets,
On a white platter with a chip on its side,
There it is, dead and lifeless, out of its home the river
As it’s carcass lays there , I wish it could get up and run away
From the doom of being eaten
But that salmon, will never swim again
Um Mom...I’m not going to eat that.

My Fashion

I'm special,
So is my fashion.
It says who I am,
Its loaded with passion
I wear what I want,
I rarely use caution
A black shirt is like blank canvas
And any thing goes with a pair of jeans
I’m loud,
my clothes are too
They can practically talk for them selves.

I still Love Him

I still love him
By: Sammy
Punch after punch my love hit me so
His fists was like a metronome, it did not slow
But I still love him
For each hit
Reminded me of his love for me
When it was done
To my dying bloody body he clung
Praying that I would come back to him
And into my lifeless neck he did cry
Apologizing to my corps for hitting and killing me
No one saw what had happened we had been aloneOther than the moon, who had a tear in her eye

My Plan

My Plan
By: Sammy
Three times I shall cross that stage
A common idea in this day and age
In Eighth grade, I walk knowing that in two and a half months
I will be thrusted in to a world as unknown as to that of a hatchling that’s no were near being a bird
In twelfth grade it will be similar but far more absurd
If I talk, some how summing up the gall
I’m not sure you’ll hear me at all
For I soon will be gazing upon
a road that is entirely new, and I must face it all alone
Off to collage I will go
Drowning myself in studies and working hard,
So that once again I can walk across that stage.

The Cave

The Cave
The cave is dark, crowded and secluded from suburbia,
The floor is blanketed with mounds of a soft fluffy substance,
The smell a pleasant, calming sent of lavender and some type of musk.
As light shines from a hole in the wall I see,
there are trinkets, inventions, and oodles of doodles.
I hear music in the distance,
This is a superb place to form new ideas,
It embraces my unique perspective,
I will rest here and wrap myself in peaceful serenity.
I awake fresh new and ready for the what the day brings,
I must leave my cave now, like the baby bird must leave its nest
My Mom says it is time to go to school.


By: Sammy
I stride in through the door and to my table,
The artwork on the wall stares solely at me.
Today I will get one step closer,
ONE STEP closer to reaching my dreams.
Slowly but surely
The pencil dances across the paper,
And a bud emerges from lines,
A few moments later,
The petals begin to bloom
And at last,
The fruit of my labor
Stares back at me:
A rose,
representing Romeo’s love for Juliet,
And in the same way,
My love for Art.


By: Sammy
I sit there on the side lines, watching the game,
I knew it was going to be this way,
Why did I even come.
Try after try it ended all the same ,
Baseball, soccer, basketball,
I’m not good at any sports that have a ball.
That’s most but not all.
I started dancing when I was a little older than two,
But when I turned seven
To heaven, my dancing shoes flew.
Because money has always been on the short side, it seems.
The same with karate,
I was good, my master knew,
But the Economy is the Third World War .
Instead of bullets and regimes.
It has recessions and takes away dreams
I now swim,
The money still scarce.
I know this because to practice I wear,
A hand-me-down suit, and no swim cap for my hair.
With our gas prices fluctuating and our unstable economy,
If I gave up a sport again to save money,
It wouldn't be new to me.

My Music Is My Music

My Music Is My Music
By: Sammy
My music, is my music
Know one can tell me other wise
What I listen to
Shouldn’t concern you,
Lady Gaga is okay
But when I have that kind of day,
I really need to listen to Lady A.
Toby Keith, Brooks and Dun
Jason Aldean all get the job done.
My music, is my music
Isn't it the truth.
As if it took a sleuth
To figure out that my choice of music,
Comes from my roots
As blue as they come.
When the day is done
And the music is jumps from the speakers
We crank it up some,
We party tell the moon goes down
Then party some more.


By: Sammy
I sit there, out side with out a light
Wishing that I could take flight
And fly to the moon, and embrace her out stretched arms
Free from all cares and harms
As wind rushes past me
I wish that I, too, could have such a gift
Be bestowed upon me
As to be capable of dancing in the sky
As if I had the wings of a sparrow
With the world below
As I lay there be side the water
An image comes to me,
so great it is as if the angel Gabriel himself was there in front of me
Portraying to me that when I am older
I shall become a mother
And my babe, bringing me ever lasting laughter
A daughter, to whom I shall embrace with the love of the moon
To her I shall tell about dreaming of taking flight
and dancing in the sky

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Up In the Sky

Up In the Sky
By: Emily
I’d like to fly,
Up in the sky.
With all of the birds,
Hopefully I would never die.

I would fly high,
Up in the sky.
Higher than any airplane
Would try.

My life would be perfect.
Away from everyday troubles.
Just me and the sky.
But then I would miss seeing happy couples.

I would eventually get lonely,
All by myself.
So I think I will come down.
To be with my awesome friends on the ground.


By: Emily
A soldier marches into town,
Bullets fly over his head.
But he does not frown.
Because he is thinking about his home instead.

His daughter who is eight,
And is about to turn nine.
And his daughter in another state,
Who says everything is fine.

He knows it won’t be long,
Until he can see his wife.
And hear his children sing a song.
He wants to get on with his old life.

He remembers,
Why he left his loved ones,
Last December.
And that was to protect the country that he loves a ton.

Pink Warrior

Pink Warrior
By: Emily
These brave women,
Are not fighting over seas.
But they’re here in America,
Fighting a deadly disease.

They look up to heaven,
That this horrible curse will go away.
Because nobody on Earth,
Would want Breast Cancer to stay.

Every day is a battle.
Some women lose the fight.
They will never hear their baby’s rattle.
Or kiss their children good night.

Some women have survived.
Whether they are alive,
Or if they have died.
They will always be a Pink Warrior.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


By: Emily

Sisters love you,
You can have one
Or twenty-two.
But their love,
Will always be true.

Sisters stand side by side,
Through thick and thin.
Nobody can win,
When you have a sister,
That can kick them in the shin.

Sisters’ care.
So no one would dare,
Make you mad.
Cause if they do, let’s just say.
They can meet your sister.

Here’s the thing,
A sister can be your best friend.
Everybody has one,
So love them a ton.
Cause’ a sister will always be true to you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fallen Warrior

Fallen Warrior
By: Emily

People fall all the time in battle.
They do it because they want us to be free.
For a baby to hear its rattle,
For children to run and play,
And for their families to be safe.

When they get shot,
People scream and shout.
But they don’t remember,
What it means to be a fallen warrior.

A fallen warrior means,
That you give your life for the people you love.
They make sure that we have a roof over our head.
And that we are as free as a dove.

They will not see their loved ones for a long time.
They won’t be able to give their spouses a hug,
Or read their children a rhyme.
But they are a fallen warrior.

These proud men and women,
Have given their lives for us.
But some people are not fallen warriors.
They are proud men and women who have known a one.